Sunday, March 10, 2013



The March for Babies that is, or otherwise know as the March of Dimes.

This year my Goddaughter Teagan is the Ambassador Preemie for the State of Washington.
Teagan was born June 19, 2011, 3 months early, weighing in at 1lb 2oz.

Please help Team Teagan reach their goal of $5000.00 for the March of Dimes by clicking on the caption below.

Make a Donation Today!

The first time I held Teagan. She was approximately 6 weeks old when this was taken.
Teagan was in the NICU at Evergreen Hospital for appoximately 4 months.  As her 2nd Birthday approaches I am just amazed by the hurdles her and her parents have overcome she makes great strides each day.  She is a miracle! 

Teagan's Homecoming Photo Taken at Evergreen Hospital NICU- with her parents Samantha and Ian -   11/9/2011

Teagan Christmas 2011 -  6 months old

Teagan and Matt  July 2012 a belated birthday celebration. (She still needed a feeding tube to help with eating)

October 2012 at the Pumpkin Patch.  That face is so precious.

Valentine's Day 2013  Now that is how you eat a cupcake! 

If that cute face does not make you want to donate and help babies get a healthy start I don't know what will! 

For more information on the March of Dimes visit their website at


  1. I love seeing all these photos of Teagan.....
    good luck with your fund raising......
    GO TEAM TEAGAN!!!!!!

  2. She is adorable...I am glad she is doing so well...Thanks for the link to the MOD...:)
